2025 My Happy Place Call to Artists
Call to Artists Community Show
April 30th - May 31rst 2025
MY HAPPY PLACE -What makes you smile and brings you a sense of comfort or joy? Is it a physical place like the beach or home? Is it an activity like playing with your children or pets? Or perhaps it’s a state of mind you get into when surrounded by things you love. We invite you to share your unique interpretation of this theme. Express your creativity and let your imagination go wild!
Accepted Media:
All 2-D Media, including textiles, fiber art, oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, drawing, printmaking (artist-pulled prints only), collage, assemblage mixed media, encaustic, “Glass & Ceramics” (must be under 15 lbs). No Photography or Video, please.
Each piece must be wired and ready to hang on the wall (please - no saw-tooth if possible). No submission is to exceed 26 inches, outside dimension in any direction
Art Delivery:
Drop off Sunday April 27th, and Monday April 28th from 11am-4pm
1 to 3 pieces of art with paperwork and fees (cash or check made out to “Art by the Sea gallery” with attached artist Biography if available.
If you need an alternative date or time to drop off your work, please call the gallery (541-347-5355
Entry Fees:
First entry - $10.
Second and Third entries - $5 each.
All art must be for sale and priced.
Please note that the Gallery will charge a 25% commission fee on work sold so please price your work accordingly.
The Judge for this show is Vicki Affatati.
Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, as a child Vicki spent her free time drawing, doing art kits and a lot of color-by-numbers! In high school she discovered a love for pottery and painting.
After two years in the Southern Illinois University Art Department, she moved back to Chicago to study classical drawing and painting with Eugene Hall at the American Academy of Art.
Since those early years of art training, she has spent four decades refining her vision, experimenting with mediums and techniques, and deeply exploring color. Along with paintings on canvas and paper, she has painted many backdrops for local theater and ballet. These large-format paintings led to restoring and then painting original murals on the Oregon coast. Many of her projects have included local students and community members as assistants.
Inspiring a natural style of painting with her private and school students she has also been the Boardwalk Art Show painting instructor for Harbor Lights Middle School for 14 years.
Vicki’s current love is painting clouds and seascapes. Living on the Southern Oregon Coast, inspiration is everywhere.
Prizes will be $50 first place, $25 second place, $15 third place, plus Honorable Mention ribbons. A People’s Choice Award will be decided by public ballot, the winner to receive a one month exhibition as Featured Artist at Art by the Sea Gallery and Studio during 2026.
Artist Reception:
Save the Date! Saturday, May 3rd 2025 from 2-4pm
We hope you will join us and celebrate the wonderful work of our community Members!
Exhibit Ends: Saturday, May 31rst 2025 at 5pm
Artwork Pickup: Sunday, June 1rst and Monday, June 2nd from 11-4pm