Artists’ Membership Gallery in Bandon, Oregon
Come visit us,
Rated # 4 by Trip Advisory as a place to shop in Bandon
Art currently on display and available in the Gallery
"Mushroom and Blue Jazz", Laura E Noel, acrylic, $225.00
Barbara Lebiedzik, Silk Fusion on Black Wool Felt, "Spring Joy", $145.00
Adjustable cord neckless, Art Under Glass (hand painted picture under glass), $72.00 by Joanne Drapkin
"Sunshine and Rain" Bandon Marsh, $300.00 25" x 21" Ava Richey
"The Welcome" by Carol Howald, Oil $2,400.00, 44" wide by 29" High
"The Tommie Si", Earl Robicheaux, framed 18x24" with museum glass, $325.00
"Good Night Lovers", Aluminum Print, $350.00, 16x24
"Early Spring Acacia Bandon" Oil by Kathleen Morey Bailey $600.00, 24" W x 24" H
"Sunset Platter" $45.00, 8"x9.5" Sandra Heinzmann
"Fused Light", Oil & Cold Wax, $195.00, 12" x12", Shawn Tempesta
"Evening Awe" by Tom Hutton, framed 30" x 40", picture is 20" x 30", $355.00
"Hollyhocks & Butterflies", Pyro engraved-carved, gourd inks, metal leafing, by Sunny Kudo, $225.00, 15"H x 5" W
"Setting Sun" Acrylic, Jean Stephenson, $325, 27"x20"
Orca PinPot, Ceramic, Jean Ochsnar, $145.00, 7" high
"Five Tulips & More", Watercolor Inc,, $90.00, framed 11"x14", Joanne B Draphkin
"Welcome to Spring", Eco-Print, $50.00, Barbara Lebiedziz
Felted Silk, $125.00, Barbara Schoonover
Local Maple Burl, Charcuteria Board, Stephen Yates, 13" wide, $80.00
"Is It the Copper", Mixed Media, Valorie Meeuwsen, $80.00, 12" wide x 9" high
Hand Painted Earrings, Acrylic on Wood, Laura Noel, $20.00 each pair
"Sea Glass & Rocks from the Beach", Collage, Sandy Schroeder, $100, 12" w by 10"
"At the Lake" Acrylic, Shawn Tempesta, $395.00, 23"w by 20"H
Wool Felted Hat, wool, Kelly Oney, $70.00,
"Humpback Whale", Fused glass, Susan Tree, $150.00, 9"wide by 12" high
Wood Bowl by David Smith made of American Walnut, $320.00
"Water Lilies & Koi", Acrylic, Ava Richey, $600.00, 27"x27"
"Beneath the Lotus" Pyro engraved, carved gourd inks, $545.00, 10" diameter x 14" high, Sunny Kudo
Welted Silk, Merlino Wool & Silk, Barbara Schoonover, $125.00
Art by the Sea Video Tour
In this video the viewer is taken on a visual, musical tour of the gallery as it is laid out for April and May, 2023.
Our Members. Select an image to find out more about their work
Ava Richey, Acrylics and Oils
Barbara Lebiedzik, Weaving
Barbara Schoonover
Carol Howald, Acrylics and Oil
Cindy Pinnock, Acrylic Artist
Earl Robicheaux, Photography
Eduardo Falcon
Jean Ochsner, Ceramic
Jean Stephenson, Wall Art; oil, mixed media
Joanne Drapkin, Wall Art, Mixed Media, Jewelry
Kathleen Morey Bailey, Wall art, oils, acrylic
Kelly Oney. Fiber art
Matte Hanna, Photography
Laura Noel, wall art, cards, jewelry,
Laura Brownfield, Glass Fusion
Sandra Heinzmann, Ceramics
Sandy Schroeder, Wall Art, oils, acrylics, mixed media
Shawn Tempesta, Wall art, mixed media, Jewelry
Stephen Yates, Wood work,
Sunny Kudo, Gourd work, wood, mixed media
Susan Tree, Fused Glass
Tom Hutton, Photography
Valorie Meeuwsen, Ceramic