Joanne Drapkin

Joanne Drapkin

For the last ten years or so, I’ve been exploring the art world through experimenting in many genres of art. This has been such an interesting journey for a former special education and third grade teacher, who taught for over 30 years. Although I would incorporate art into my curriculum as much as I could, my personal talent was put on the back burner.

In rediscovering my creative juices, there have been many art teachers who have captivated me through their encouragements and talents. I’ve dabbled in print making, collagraph, collage, watercolor, acrylic, pencil, paper clay, pen, inks, and water color collaging. I love them all! I’m constantly trying out new ideas, new techniques and practicing the old methods.

Currently, I’ve been using my art to branch out in new areas: creating jewelry using miniature art, covering notebooks and painting on tile. Taking photos that I later use for my paintings has broadened my senses.

While in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, I discovered using liquid acrylics. This caused amazing results of abstract blends of color that can be controlled in part and at the same time be unexpected. There’s nothing like being in a studio or out in the elements creating on canvas or paper. Time drifts by as if I were meditating. Just the idea that I can make someone happy, as well as myself, with my art is the best part of this creative process.

There is much debt and gratitude to the following: Linda Aman, Susan D’Amico, Ellen Gabehart, Susan Lehman, Terry Magill, Rogene Manas, Richard Rahmlow, Britt Zaist, and many more. They all have contributed to getting me fired up on this path.

Currently, I am residing in Bandon and Eugene. As complicated as this often gets, I get doses of city life as well as continuing my coastal life. Who ever said you can’t have the best of two worlds???

The work displayed here is a representation of the artist’s work and these pieces may not be currently available


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