Jean Stephenson
I was born and brought up in Illinois. My husband and I met while attending the University of Illinois. Upon his graduation, his job took us to California. And, we started our family. Between pregnancies, I took classes at our local community college...taking many art classes. We were transferred to Tucson, Arizona then back to Long Beach, California. On our return I was part of an art group and we would have monthly critiques, classes, and shows.
Our next transfer was to Calgary, Alberta, Canada. There I attended the Alberta College of Art. While attending there, a friend asked if I would take a pottery class with her as she had always wanted to do it, and I did. I loved it and continued with it. Upon returning to California, I started a studio and continued studying and sometimes teaching.
We bought some land in Langlois where I could raku and do different kinds of firing without having to warn the neighbors first. We built our home—my studio was was in the garage and then built a wonderful studio. We loved and love it here. After more than twenty-five years of potting, my wrists couldn’t continue so back to painting I happily went.
I’m currently a member of Art by the Sea Gallery and Studio. We’re a co-op gallery sharing duties and fun. I hope to continue doing art for a very long time. I work in pastel, oil, acrylic, permanent pigment and collage. I love all of it.
The work displayed here is a representation of the artist’s work and these pieces may not be currently available